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                                                                                                                           Owner     [ETS2-R]Kazuki[CEO-JPN]


                    English translation     ★Raichuu★









ETS2-R was founded and established on the 28th of June 2015.Welcome to ETS2-Racing. We like players from all around the world in ETS2 Multiplayer. Don't you want to become part of us?

We aim to be one of the largest Virtual Trucking Company (VTC) in the world. Your language and your nationality doesn't matter for us.

The only requirement is to love ETS2. Thus, what is more important than a person enjoying this game? Feel free to invite your friends to this company, we appreciate it. 

Nationality nor does not matter the language. ETS2 it is love is the only condition. And one person more than anything else is whether it would not be the most important thing is to enjoy this game?

If possible, it is fortunate if it is possible to invite a friend's everybody.


■[Corporate philosophy]                                                                    


Ⅰ.ETS2-Racing exists to do fascinating meetings in the daily transport operations, from short to long distances. You are able to create and run your own convoys from one spot to another independently from the regular transport map found in the announcement section.


Ⅱ.ETS2-Racing is where fun begins to rise. We're always looking for new event planners (moderators) to stay active in the world, aswell as active drivers who are able to drive together.



■About TeamSpeak3

Team Speak3                




■The minimum requirements for the company are as follows            

Ⅰ You Must A Minimum of 13years of age to join ETS2-R            

Ⅱ 20 Hours Game Play Time(ETS2)               

Ⅲ Language(Doesn't matter)



■ETS2-R ARE RECRUITING               

Google forms     (*By filling out this application you are wishing to join the staff division of ETS-R)      

Ⅰ Convoy Organizer(Planning convoy)              

Ⅱ Convoy Leader(Lead Truck)               

Ⅲ Convoy Tail(Last Truck)               

Ⅳ Convoy Pilot(Route Guidance)(or Convoy Control)             

Ⅴ Convoy Driver(General Driver)












Team Speak3            






Ⅰ 13歳以上である事。               

Ⅱ ETS2のゲームプレイ時間20時間以上。*マルチ.シングルは問いません。               

Ⅲ 言語は関係ありません。               


■ETS2-R 求人内容                

求人応募グーグルフォーム  *このアンケートに記入するとスタッフになれますが、別に書かなくても走行会に来て色々お手伝いして頂ければそれはそれでOKだと思います^^     

Ⅰ 企画係(走行会の企画をする人)              

Ⅱ コンボイリーダー(車列の先頭を走る人)              

Ⅲ コンボイテール(車列の最後尾で状況報告をする人)             

Ⅳ コンボイパイロット(分岐点や交差点で道案内をする人)            

Ⅴ ドライバー(車列の中間に入って走るスタッフ)



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